Those who are silent when others are oppressed are guilty of oppression themselves.
Imam Hussain (as)

“The most merciful person is the one who forgives when he is able to take revenge” – Imam Hussain (a.s)

Arba’een Counter

22 million

Arba’een Pilgrimage in
Karbala (2023)

21.2 million

Arba’een Pilgrimage in
Karbala (2022)

16.3 million

Arba’een Pilgrimage in
Karbala (2021)

14.6 million

Arba’een Pilgrimage in
Karbala (2020)

know more about about Hussainع


Learn about

Hussain (a.s)

Hussain (a.s) was the one who upheld the universal values of Peace, Equality, Humanity, and Justice as promoted by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s). More than 14 centuries ago, Hussain stood up against the tyrant of his time (Yazid) and defended the message of  Peace, Equality, Humanity, and Justice by sacrificing himself, his family, and his companions.

It’s the same message with which Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, and Hussain (peach be on all of them) bond us together.